associative algebra artinya
- algebra: aljabar; algebra
- non-associative algebra: aljabar takasosiatif; aljabar non-asosiatif
- associative array: tatasusunan bersekutu
- associative property: kalis sekutuan; sifat asosiatif
- associative memory (psychology): memori asosiatif (psikologi)
- abstract algebra: aljabar abstrak; algebra abstrak
- algebra stubs: rintisan bertopik aljabar
- algebra-stub: aljabar-stub
- boolean algebra: aljabar boolean
- composition algebra: aljabar komposisi
- computer algebra: algebra komputer
- cube (algebra): pangkat tiga
- current algebra: aljabar arus
- elementary algebra: algebra permulaan; aljabar elementer
- heisenberg algebra: aljabar heisenberg
- With an article, it means an instance of some abstract structure, like a Lie algebra, an associative algebra, or a vertex operator algebra.
Dengan sebuah kata sandang, berarti sebuah contoh dari beberapa struktur abstrak, seperti aljabar bentang, aljabar asosiatif, atau aljabar operator verteks.
Kata lain
- "association of the south-east asian nations" terjemahan Indonesia
- "association of timorese heroes" terjemahan Indonesia
- "associational" terjemahan Indonesia